Saturday, February 26, 2011


when i arrived in Java on the Ferry i started to feel quite ill. so i rode to a hotel, had some dinner and fell asleep. the next morning i felt even worse which prompted my decision to take a bus to Yogyakarta instead of riding the bike. in addition to feeling sick the bottom bracket on my bike was falling apart and the only solution would be to replace it,this would not be an easy task as there are not many bike shops in Indonesia that would have the kind of bottom bracket i need. it was also damn humid and the traffic in Java is somewhat crazy and unpredictable. which does not make for the most enjoyable riding conditions.

it took two long days riding on various buses before i arrived in Yogya, i then spent two days staying with a very nice family as they helped nurse me back into shape. the reason why i came to Yogyakarta was because i have always had a wish to visit the amazing Borobodur stupa mandala which is just outside of Yogya.