Monday, December 31, 2012

Santiago, Chile


I ended up spending Christmas in Santiago, found a nice hostel in the swanky part of town and spent 4-5 days exploring the city. Went by the house that my brother lived in for many years, rode to the top of Cerro San Cristobal (twice), visited the vast cemetery, walked to Cerro San Lucia and went to some Xmas parties.
I then took a bus to Valpraiso cause the only way to get there is via highway which does not allow bicycles and rode 50km up the coast to a small fishing village called Horcon. Camped there for 2 nights before going back to Valparaiso where I caught a bus south to Pucon.
Pucon is located in the Lakes district of Chile and lies just under volcan Villarrica (one of the most active volcanoes in South America).  It's a touristic town filled with local and foreign travelers during this time of year and a seemingly vibrant and pleasant place to celebrate the New Year.
Looking forward to the ride further south to Puerto Montt, my plan is to take some of the back roads and explore some lakes, volcanoes and hot springs in the region. The journey continues...

Happy New Year to one and all! lets make 2013 the best year ever!

Climbing to Cerro San Cristobal

Couch Surfing Xmas party

visiting cemetery Xmas eve

Cemetery Santiago